Depuis sa création en 1990, le cabinet D M & D a préservé la philosophie qui fait aujourd’hui son ADN : un cabinet de spécialistes qui met un point d’honneur à bien faire ce qui rentre dans ses champs de compétence :

  • droit de la distribution, franchise
  • droit commercial

Ces départements sont distincts mais complémentaires, leur convergence est essentielle sur des questions aussi sensibles que la requalification, la contrepartie pécuniaire des clauses de non concurrence ou le reclassement au sein des réseaux. Le cabinet D M & D est en mesure d’accompagner ses clients au-delà des frontières, grâce au réseau international Lawrope dont il est membre fondateur.



Established in 1984 in Paris, D M & D is a niche practice which is able to offer a personalised service to all of its clients. Once assigned to a matter a partner will look after the client’s case through to its conclusion. D M & D specialises in:

Franchising and Distribution, acting for franchisors, advising international companies on all aspects of Franchising and Distribution (precontractual information, franchising agreements, litigation in the Tribunals and Courts of Appeal).

We work with large companies as well as medium-sized businesses. In addition to our legal services our partners have links with other professionals such as accountants and financial advisors, tax and real estate advisors. Our aim is to facilitate your requirements whatever your business across borders.

Our attorneys are renowned in their own areas of law and therefore demand the same high standards for their clients, whatever the matter concerned. We do understand the challenges of cross border business and we have developed an integrated network - Lawrope - that makes this process as smooth as possible; we have the capacity to provide a seamless, client-focussed international legal service at a realistic cost.